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sarahbreyyoga 200hr Vinyasa Teacher Training at PowerYoga, LV
Module 1: Foundational Techniques and Postures
Welcome (19:18)
Journal 1
Introduction to Yoga (4:04)
Types of Yoga (14:59)
Creating Sacred Space (4:03)
Centering (6:14)
AUM (6:49)
The Optimal Blue Print (2:50)
Attitude, Alignment, Action (3:56)
Setting the Foundation (1:23)
Types of Energy (4:25)
Language (12:30)
Poor Language Habits
Instructional Commands
Examples of Passive Commands
Types of Warm Ups
Warm Ups
The Postures
Sukhasana: Easy Seat (1:08)
Virasana: Hero Pose (0:54)
Vajrasana (0:43)
Cat/Cow (1:05)
Adho Mukha Svanasana: Downward Facing Dog (0:47)
Uttanasana: Standing Forward Fold (ut = intense, tan = to stretch or extend) (0:29)
Tadasana: Mountain Pose (tada = mountain) (0:43)
Utkatasana: Powerful Pose, (utkata = powerful/ fierce) (0:25)
Plank: Phalaksana (phalak = plank) (0:26)
Ashtanga Namaskara: Knees – Chest – Chin (0:35)
Bhujangasana: Cobra Pose (0:29)
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana: Upward Facing Dog Pose (0:44)
Surya Namaskar: Sun Salutations (1:43)
Anjaneyasana: Low Lung (0:35)
High Lunge (0:23)
Lunge Twist (0:47)
Virabhadrasana 1: Warrior 1 (virabhadrasana = name of a fierce warrior) (0:40)
Virabhadrasana 2: Warrior 2 (virabhadrasana = name of a fierce warrior) (0:50)
Utthita Parsvakonasana: Extended Side Angle Pose (utthita = extended, parsva = side, kona = angle) (0:47)
Utthita Trikonasana: Triangle Pose, (utthita = extended/ trikona = tiangle) (1:00)
Prasarita Padottanasana: Wide Legged Forward Fold, (prasarita = stretched out, expanded/ pada = foot, leg/ ut = intense / tan = to stretch) (0:48)
Parsvottanasana: Intense Side Stretch, (Parsva = side/ ut = intense/ tan = stretch) (0:49)
Standing Split: Prasarita Eka Padasana (0:37)
Warrior 3: Virabhadrasana 3 (0:36)
Ardha Chandrasana: Balancing Half Moon Pose (ardha = half/ chandra = moon) (0:45)
Shiva Natarajasana (Lord of the Dancer's Pose) (0:59)
Vrksasana: Tree Pose (vrksa=tree) (0:50)
Garudasana: Eagle Pose (0:57)
Vasisthasana: Side Plank (0:31)
Malasana: Garland Pose (A String of Beads of Knots) (0:50)
Salamba Sirsasna: Headstand (2:35)
Balasana: Child Pose (0:51)
Dandasana: Staff Pose (0:49)
Paschimottanasana: Seated Forward Bend (1:35)
Janu Sirsasana: Head to Knee Pose (1:01)
Upavistha Konasana: Wide Angled Seated Forward Bend (1:12)
Navasana: Boat Pose (0:54)
Baddha Konasana: Bound Angle (1:17)
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana: One Legged King Pigeon Pose (1:55)
Ardha Matsyendrasana: Half Lord of the Fishes (1:22)
Salabhasana: Locust Pose (0:30)
Dhanurasana: Bow Pose (0:37)
Setu Bandhasana: Bridge Pose (0:28)
Supta Matsyendrasana: Supine Lord of the Fishes Pose (0:50)
Pavana Muktasana: Wind Relieving P (0:43)
Supta Padangusthasana: Reclining Big Toe Pose (0:59)
Viparita Karani: Legs Up The Wall (0:45)
Halasana: Plow Pose (0:30)
Salamba Sarvangasna: Supported Shoulder Stand (0:34)
Matsyasana: Fish Pose (0:31)
Savasana: Corpse Pose (2:48)
Guided Savasana (1:23)
Iyengar "Light on Life" (59:07)
Journal 2
Practice 1
Journal 3
Module 1 Homework
Practice Teach 1 (4:23)
Journal 4
Readings and Papers
Module 2: Pranayama, and the Chakras
Pranayama: Definition (2:14)
Breath and Blood:
Overview of Teaching Basic Pranayama:
Ujjay: Ocean Sounding Breath (3:46)
Dirgha Pranayama: The Complete Breath (2:02)
Nadi Shodana: Alternate Nostril Breath (2:57)
Kapalabhati: Skull Shining Breath (4:42)
Osho Discussion (14:04)
Journal 5
1st Chakra (5:09)
2nd Chakra (7:32)
3rd Chakra (3:26)
4th Chakra (5:43)
5th Chakra (2:12)
6th Chakra (3:02)
7th Chakra (2:25)
8th Chakra (2:14)
Journal 6
Module 2 Homework
Practice Teach 2 (3:21)
Journal 7
Readings and Papers
Module 3: Ayurvedic, Anatomy, and Assists
Discover Your Dosha (2:23)
Kapha Behaviors (3:08)
Pitta Behaviors (4:02)
Vatta Behaviors (4:33)
Dosha Food Charts
Journal 8
Anatomy 1 (61:11)
Anatomy 2 (72:38)
Anatomy 3 (61:47)
Anatomy 4 (47:22)
Journal 9
The Art of Assisting (5:19)
Ways to Assist (3:43)
What to say
Pros and Cons of Assisting
Types of Touch (5:49)
Anatomical and Directional Assists
Demonstrating a Posture
Student Model (3:20)
Teacher Model (3:44)
Journal 10
Module 3 Homework
Practice Teach 3 (2:07)
Journal 11
Readings and Papers
Module 4: The Yoga Sutras
Book 1 (12:13)
Book 2 (18:08)
Book 3 (15:28)
Book 4 (8:13)
Journal 12
Iyengar on the Sutras
Journal 13
Module 4 Homework
Practice Teach 4 (3:30)
Journal 14
Readings and Papers
Module 5: Meditation, Mudras, Bandas, and Chanting
Meditation (6:43)
Types of Meditation
Meditation Techniques
Benefits of Meditation
The Bandhas
Neck Lock (2:44)
Diaphragm Lock (1:42)
Root Lock (1:37)
Gyan Mudra (1:25)
Buddhi Mudra (0:51)
Shuni (or Shoonya) (1:01)
Prana Mudra (0:44)
Dhyana Mudra (0:46)
Surya Mudra (1:07)
Apana Mudra (0:42)
Ganesha Mudra (0:54)
Vayu Mudhra (0:38)
Rudra Mudra (0:56)
Chanting (3:17)
Chanting AUM
Journal 15
Additional Mantras and Meditations
Journal 16
Gayatri Mantra
Om Namah Shivaya
Journal 17
Yogi Bhajan Meditation
Journal 18
Meditation Activity
Journal 19
Iyengar on Meditation
Module 5 Homework
Practice Teach 5 (3:26)
Journal 20
Readings and Papers
Module 6: Class Design and Sequencing Techniques
Class Design (2:09)
Planners (3:21)
Wingers (3:26)
Your Style
Sequencing a Vinyasa Class (2:05)
Practice Activity: Vinyasa
Sequencing a Yin Class (2:35)
Practice Activity: Yin
Brene Brown Discussion (18:19)
Amy Cuddy
Journal 21
Module 6 Homework
Practice Teach 6 (2:07)
Journal 22
Reading and Papers
Module 7: Dharma Talks and Themes
What is a Dharma Talk?
How to use a Theme (5:12)
Practice Theme Activity- Vinyasa
Practice Theme Activity- Yin
Putting a Class Together (5:03)
Activity: Put it all Together- Vinyasa
Activity: Put it all Together-Yin
Practice Class- Vinyasa
Practice Class- Yin
Iyanla Vanzant Discussion (12:19)
Journal 23
Module 7 Homework
Practice Teach 7 (2:22)
Journal 24
Readings and Papers
Module 8: The Role of the Teacher
The Role of the Guru
Journal 25
How Sarah Sapora Discovered Kundalini
Journal 26
We all come from Goodness
Journal 27
Journal 28 (1:36)
Journal 29
Module 8 Homework
Practice Teach Paper
Coloring Book
Module 9: The Business of Yoga
The Business of Yoga (7:35)
Journal 30
Find Your Niche (6:02)
Declaring Your Niche
Journal 31
Marketing Your Passion
Be Authentic
Plus Factors
Its a Process!
Module 9 Homework
Final Papers
Module 10: Graduation
You Must Die to Live
Journal 32 (6:02)
Module 10 Homework
Practicum Requirement
Final Graduation Requirements
Certification Information
Register with Yoga Alliance
Namaste (1:26)
Teach online with
Reading and Papers
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