sarahbreyyoga 200hr Vinyasa Teacher Training at PowerYoga, LV
Certified by Yoga Alliance
Your Instructor
I have found as a yoga teacher and college professor that the way to realign with our true Selves and walk our paths is through clearing our bodies and minds to remember our truth. By releasing our past conditioning, and examining our relationships, we can move into our hearts, and find our voice. We can connect to deeper levels within our selves allowing us to truly be. This is an everyday practice that we must dedicate our lives to.
Course Curriculum
Module 1: Foundational Techniques and Postures
Available in
after you enroll
StartWelcome (19:18)
StartJournal 1
StartIntroduction to Yoga (4:04)
StartTypes of Yoga (14:59)
StartCreating Sacred Space (4:03)
StartCentering (6:14)
StartAUM (6:49)
StartThe Optimal Blue Print (2:50)
StartAttitude, Alignment, Action (3:56)
StartSetting the Foundation (1:23)
StartTypes of Energy (4:25)
StartLanguage (12:30)
StartPoor Language Habits
StartInstructional Commands
StartExamples of Passive Commands
StartTypes of Warm Ups
StartWarm Ups
StartThe Postures
StartSukhasana: Easy Seat (1:08)
StartVirasana: Hero Pose (0:54)
StartVajrasana (0:43)
StartCat/Cow (1:05)
StartAdho Mukha Svanasana: Downward Facing Dog (0:47)
StartUttanasana: Standing Forward Fold (ut = intense, tan = to stretch or extend) (0:29)
StartTadasana: Mountain Pose (tada = mountain) (0:43)
StartUtkatasana: Powerful Pose, (utkata = powerful/ fierce) (0:25)
StartPlank: Phalaksana (phalak = plank) (0:26)
StartAshtanga Namaskara: Knees – Chest – Chin (0:35)
StartBhujangasana: Cobra Pose (0:29)
StartUrdhva Mukha Svanasana: Upward Facing Dog Pose (0:44)
StartSurya Namaskar: Sun Salutations (1:43)
StartAnjaneyasana: Low Lung (0:35)
StartHigh Lunge (0:23)
StartLunge Twist (0:47)
StartVirabhadrasana 1: Warrior 1 (virabhadrasana = name of a fierce warrior) (0:40)
StartVirabhadrasana 2: Warrior 2 (virabhadrasana = name of a fierce warrior) (0:50)
StartUtthita Parsvakonasana: Extended Side Angle Pose (utthita = extended, parsva = side, kona = angle) (0:47)
StartUtthita Trikonasana: Triangle Pose, (utthita = extended/ trikona = tiangle) (1:00)
StartPrasarita Padottanasana: Wide Legged Forward Fold, (prasarita = stretched out, expanded/ pada = foot, leg/ ut = intense / tan = to stretch) (0:48)
StartParsvottanasana: Intense Side Stretch, (Parsva = side/ ut = intense/ tan = stretch) (0:49)
StartStanding Split: Prasarita Eka Padasana (0:37)
StartWarrior 3: Virabhadrasana 3 (0:36)
StartArdha Chandrasana: Balancing Half Moon Pose (ardha = half/ chandra = moon) (0:45)
StartShiva Natarajasana (Lord of the Dancer's Pose) (0:59)
StartVrksasana: Tree Pose (vrksa=tree) (0:50)
StartGarudasana: Eagle Pose (0:57)
StartVasisthasana: Side Plank (0:31)
StartMalasana: Garland Pose (A String of Beads of Knots) (0:50)
StartSalamba Sirsasna: Headstand (2:35)
StartBalasana: Child Pose (0:51)
StartDandasana: Staff Pose (0:49)
StartPaschimottanasana: Seated Forward Bend (1:35)
StartJanu Sirsasana: Head to Knee Pose (1:01)
StartUpavistha Konasana: Wide Angled Seated Forward Bend (1:12)
StartNavasana: Boat Pose (0:54)
StartBaddha Konasana: Bound Angle (1:17)
StartEka Pada Rajakapotasana: One Legged King Pigeon Pose (1:55)
StartArdha Matsyendrasana: Half Lord of the Fishes (1:22)
StartSalabhasana: Locust Pose (0:30)
StartDhanurasana: Bow Pose (0:37)
StartSetu Bandhasana: Bridge Pose (0:28)
StartSupta Matsyendrasana: Supine Lord of the Fishes Pose (0:50)
StartPavana Muktasana: Wind Relieving P (0:43)
StartSupta Padangusthasana: Reclining Big Toe Pose (0:59)
StartViparita Karani: Legs Up The Wall (0:45)
StartHalasana: Plow Pose (0:30)
StartSalamba Sarvangasna: Supported Shoulder Stand (0:34)
StartMatsyasana: Fish Pose (0:31)
StartSavasana: Corpse Pose (2:48)
StartGuided Savasana (1:23)
StartIyengar "Light on Life" (59:07)
StartJournal 2
StartPractice 1
StartJournal 3
Module 1 Homework
Available in
after you enroll
Module 2: Pranayama, and the Chakras
Available in
after you enroll
StartPranayama: Definition (2:14)
StartBreath and Blood:
StartOverview of Teaching Basic Pranayama:
StartUjjay: Ocean Sounding Breath (3:46)
StartDirgha Pranayama: The Complete Breath (2:02)
StartNadi Shodana: Alternate Nostril Breath (2:57)
StartKapalabhati: Skull Shining Breath (4:42)
StartOsho Discussion (14:04)
StartJournal 5
Start1st Chakra (5:09)
Start2nd Chakra (7:32)
Start3rd Chakra (3:26)
Start4th Chakra (5:43)
Start5th Chakra (2:12)
Start6th Chakra (3:02)
Start7th Chakra (2:25)
Start8th Chakra (2:14)
StartJournal 6
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.